All of God’s promises are YES & AMEN

2 Corinthians 1:20

A man was choking me.

“The Bible says that we are in a battle and the word of God is our weapon—it is our sword. When the enemy tries to attack us, we are to use our swords.”

— Liz Hill

Written by: Liz Hill —Los Angeles, CA, USA.

When I was in my early 20s I was assaulted. I found myself on the floor with a man hovering over me. With one hand on my mouth and the other pressed on my throat, he was trying as hard as he could to choke me. But I was a fighter for God's heart and for His promises. While this man's hand was forcibly covering my mouth and throat, trying his darnedest to hurt me, I declared a POWERFUL promise: "no weapon formed against me shall prosper, in Jesus’ name!"

Let me tell you—I could see he was trying hard to hurt me. But while he was trying to inflict pain, it was as though something had been placed as a shield between me and him. I felt no pain, not even a slight pressure of his hands on me. I trusted God to protect me, and I stood on His promise that “no weapon formed against me would prosper.” When he took his hands off me, I had no bruising, no red marks, no nothing. God had physically protected me! (can I hear an “amen?”)

Promises in Scripture like this one are POWERFUL gifts for us. I like to imagine that each promise comes in a box tied with a beautiful bow. As his children, we inherit the promises of God, and knowing these promises in scripture are vitally important. God is not a man that he should lie—every word that he speaks out of his mouth will accomplish what he sends it out to accomplish. 

"For the Eternal One says, “Instead of a wall of stone, I will be a wall of fire protecting her all around, and I will be the shining glory within her.”

— Zachariah 2:5

I urge you to memorize these *promise-gifts* There are hundreds in scripture, and not all of them are to protect you in terrible situations like the one I faced. Many relate to our relationship with God, inheritance, provision, physical and emotional healing—so many good things! Just imagine having H.U.N.D.R.E.D.S of gifts waiting for you, but you never open them or enjoy them—Would that not suck?

The Bible says that we are in a battle and the word of God is our weapon—it is our sword. When the enemy tries to attack us, we are to use our swords—the word of God—and to declare God's truth over our lives. The promise-gifts he’s given us are the very words of God, so we are equipped to fend off the attacks of the enemy. That's what I did when this man was attacking me. I whipped out my sword, and I spoke and declared this scripture as though I was decreeing a space of safety and protection.

Though my attack in this testimony was a physical assault, other attacks can be relational, emotional, situational, social, financial, health, etc. But the type of attack does not matter—words have insurmountable POWER. By God's words, He created the universe, and by our words, we can impact ours.

God wants you to inherit *everything* he has for you.

Isaiah 54:17

I promise you, no weapon meant to hurt you will succeed,
and no false accusation will successfully prosecute you.
This promise is the inheritance of God’s servants,
and their vindication is from me,” declares the Lord.

Protection is yours.